Having played CS, cs source and now L4d - to play for our clan you must heave the following - these will be needed before you can trial for us

New Fighters

1. Microphone that works - dont need heavy breathers thanks!
2. Calling ability - if you see it - say it!
3. Game sense - without it your hunter food!
4. Able to follow or lead - we need both in our team!
5. Prepare to train and do walkthroughs - preperation and concentration is a formality
6. Be online for the above on specific days of the week - if you have a GF stay with her, we dont need whining Bitches ruining quality gaming time!
7. A good computer - peeps with windup or pedal computers or 14.4k modems need not apply!
8. Sense of humour - from time to time we get it wrong and so will you - just laugh it off in game and we discuss it later - no ragers in game thanks
9. must be over 18 - the older the better as most of the clan are 24+ and are level headed and wont scream like a banshee or run everywhere trying to Frag Hunt!
10. NO RAGE QUITTERS - if all you wanna do is be pre-modonnas and think you know it all - CU - close the door on your way out! we just want team players, peeps that want to be part of a team ! and to win of course.

Web designer

Must be able to create HTML / php and provide items of previous work

if you meet any of these enquiries please send emails to  cam1970@hotmail.co.uk 

We will need you real name -game name -stead id - email details - age

Cheers Cam

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